Realty Executives Arizona Territory

Krista Brayer

Krista Brayer


Realty Executives Arizona Territory


Forbes Ranks Tucson in Top Cities to Recover from Covid!

(Published on - 2/2/2021 5:27:48 PM)

What are the chances Tucson will recover from the economic landslide called Covid 19?


In the Fall of 2020, Biz Tucson featured a detailed article as to why Tucson will recover from Covid 19.  Writer Jay Gonzales states Tucson is Poised for Recovery.   


This is a brief synopsis on why Tucson is one of the Top 10 Cities positioned to recover.  


1.  In July of 2020 Site Selectors Build ranked Tucson among the top 11 midsized cities for business relocation and expansion.

2.  New home construction and new home sales are up 17% with a flood of homebuyers.

3.  High growth in local employers such as Raytheon, Caterpillar, and Amazon

4.  A Strong Entrepreneurial Ecosystem with an increase in new ventures.

5.  A re-energized Downtown

6.  Pima County Board of Supervisors quickly began "A  Back To Business Steering Committee"

7.  Tucson began a bold campaign called Remote Tucson, luring successful remote workers to Southern Arizona.

8.  Tucson Young Professionals have been pro-active in branding Tucson as "primed for what comes next!"

9.  Tucson's top business leaders are focusing on Resiliency and Recovery.


To read more details from this detailed and informative article, go to:


And, if you're looking to purchase or sell in Southern Arizona, call me, Krista Brayer, with Realty Executives,  at 520-975-5640.  





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Krista Brayer

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