Realty Executives Exceptional Realtors®

Nicole Monahan

Regional Branch Manager (570) 470-9006

Nicole Monahan

Regional Branch Manager

Realty Executives Exceptional Realtors®



(Published on - 9/25/2019 5:11:41 PM)


Moving can be stressful for all members of the family, but especially your kids. No matter the age, kids can have a difficult time adjusting to a move, especially once back-to-school season rolls around. Since summer is the most popular time of year to move, starting a new school after moving can be challenging, so here are a few tips for helping your kids feel less alone when starting a new school this fall.

Be a helpful listener

Your child’s reaction to moving may be exactly or entirely different than what you expect, so keep an open mind, be positive, and above all, be a good listener. Your child should know that you are there for them no matter what. Talk about the move frequently and share what that means when it comes to starting a new school, and listen to how your child is feeling about the changes.

Go for a sneak peek of the school

Giving yourself a sneak peek of your child’s new school can help not only your child adjust, but you as well. Once you figure out which school your child will be going to, take them on a walkthrough of the campus, checking out the classrooms, cafeteria, recess area, etc. Test out the morning drive or bus route, walk around the school hallways to get a feel for them, and start talking about what it will be like for your child to be a student there. This will make it easier on them once the first day rolls around and they already know what to expect.

Talk to the school’s staff

During your sneak-peek visit or before or after, talk to your school’s staff when enrolling your child about what they might be feeling or going through. Ask the school’s staff what resources they may provide for new students to help them adjust and feel more at ease when they first start. You can even get in touch with your child’s teachers to let them know how your child is currently feeling about the move and ask if they can help your child feel more welcome as a student.

Don’t set unrealistic expectations

No matter what, your child will adjust to moving to a new school in their own way, so don’t set unrealistic expectations for them. Keep the discussion open, especially within the first days and weeks of the school year, so your child can always come to you if they are having any issues with their new school, teachers, classmates, or the change in general. Remember how you felt when you were a kid and try to sympathize as much as possible. But still make the change fun, since it’s a new opportunity to make new friends in a new place.


(Published on - 9/19/2019 1:56:32 PM)



When figuring out how to prepare for a move, it’s important to remember the details. With everything on your to-do list, make sure these tasks don’t get left behind.

Update your mailing address and subscriptions

We know it’s a pain, but to avoid surprises forward your mail at least 2 weeks before you move. Can’t live without your People Magazine or the tips from Better Homes and Gardens? Update your address early for any magazine and newspaper subscriptions you have. While you’re at it, be sure to update your driver’s license. Also, make sure to update  your voter registration information now so it’s taken care of in plenty of time for the next election.

Transfer utilities before you move

When figuring out how to prepare for a move, consider what you’ll want up and running as soon as you move in. Electricity, gas, and water will be top of the list followed closely by TV and internet service. Transfer all of your utilities before you move to make the transition as seamless as possible. Debating over keeping your cable service and cutting the chord? Now is a great time to do some research and consolidate services.

Clear your schedule and ask your friends for help

Requesting time off work is crucial when deciding how to best prepare for a move. Equally important is giving your friends and family plenty of notice if you need their help moving. Give them as much time as possible to set time aside for your move day.

Request a moving permit (if applicable) and ship your car

Check your new neighborhood’s permit requirements and get your moving permit in plenty of time. Two weeks should be enough time to order your permit and have it delivered. If you’re shipping your car, however, you’ll want to get the ball rolling much sooner. Start to research shipping companies and put together a budget at least a month before your move date.

Tie up any loose ends

If you’re leaving the neighborhood, remember to pick all your clothes up from the dry cleaner and return any library books you have stashed away. If you’re a member of a local gym or yoga studio, be sure to cancel your membership before you move or make sure it will transfer to a location near your new home. Now is also a great time to gather any refills you have at the pharmacy in case you’re too swamped to transfer them to your new area.

Prepare your new home security system

You’re going to want to protect your new home as you prepare to move. If you have a home security system, be it a smart system or a traditional home security system, contact your provider as you prepare for your move. Let them know you’re moving and follow their instructions for setting up home security in your new place. Usually, you can pack up your DIY security system when you move, but you’ll need to set up a new system if your current one is professionally installed.

Say goodbye to your current neighborhood

Changing neighborhoods can be exciting, but it can be hard to leave your favorite spots. Treat yourself to dinner at your favorite restaurant, get that coffee you crave, or throw yourself a moving-out party before you go. Saying goodbye to your neighborhood can add closure to a long-distance move and will help you unwind before the big move.

Get your security deposit back

Renters, you know what we’re talking about. If all goes smoothly, you should see your deposit pop up in your bank account within 14-60 days after you move. Given this broad time frame, it’s a good idea to mention it when you give your landlord 30-day notice. If there are any disagreements over returning your security deposit, this could take even longer so prepare well in advance.



(Published on - 8/29/2019 1:48:31 PM)



We’re well into 2019, but the architecture world is evolving now more than ever. From eco-friendly living to accessibility and even minimalism, the architects of today are changing the game. Here’s a closer look at the top architecture design trends right now.

Local and sustainable materials

The need for sustainability is increasing more and more, even to the point of influencing home design. Now more than ever, architects are sourcing recycled, sustainable, and even local materials when designing new homes and spaces. But just because architects are using more environmentally-friendly materials doesn’t mean they are sacrificing quality craftsmanship and beauty. Even homes made from locally sourced and sustainable materials can be aesthetically
pleasing to the eye. And, arguably, a locally and a sustainable designed home is even more appealing than anything else.


Green urban planning and energy efficiency

The move toward sustainable home design goes hand in hand with the need for green urban planning and energy-efficient spaces. Architects are designing homes with energy-efficiency in mind, from roofs with installed solar panels to exterior “garden walls” that use plants and greenery as insulation. The trend toward green urban planning is also causing local architects to design green spaces in urban areas, like parks that double as venues for concerts and local events and building designs with soil and water conservation in mind.

Accessible design and affordable housing

There has always been a need for accessibility in home design, but architects are finally moving toward creating more and more accessible spaces in 2019. Designers are meeting the needs of homeowners by creating spaces and environments with wheelchair-accessible paths and doorways, as well as homes that support aging or disabled residents. Additionally, we’re seeing more newly designed housing communities that support those struggling with homelessness and poverty.

Small space and tiny houses

With minimalism in mind, living in small spaces and tiny houses has become an increasing trend in recent years, and it’s only getting more popular. From small cabins and refurbished vintage trailers to multi-functional spaces with convertible furniture, you’d be surprised how much you can do in a tiny amount of space. Architects are keeping minimalism and small living in mind when creating innovative yet simple home designs for 2019 and beyond.

Digital innovation

Technology is having a huge impact on home design in recent years, and digital innovation is allowing architects to bring their blueprints to life with 3D printing and artificial intelligence. Additionally, many homes of today utilize technology as a part of their spaces, rather than technology as the main feature of home design. Architects today can seamlessly integrate digital features into spaces, like installing smart speakers and smart outlets and creating hidden
yet functional places for your tech.

5 Ways to Make Your Home More EcoFriendly for the Sumer

(Published on - 8/14/2019 2:17:31 PM)



During the summer, many of us tend to waste more electricity, water, and plastic materials than we do during any other part of the year. To compensate for high temperatures outside, we blast the air conditioning to stay cool. We fill water balloons, top off the pool, guzzle cold water bottles, and take more showers. 

As a result, we spend a lot on our utilities, and we waste a lot. There are several steps you can take to make your home more eco-friendly over these next few months. Here are five ways you can embrace “green” practices while also reaping the financial benefits of avoiding waste.  

1. Invest in a Programmable or Smart Thermostat 

A programmable thermostat can save you at least 20 percent on energy costs. Smart thermostats can save you even more by giving you the capability to change the temperature when you’re not at home. Not only will this lower your utility bills, but it will also prevent you from being wasteful with your AC during the summer. Saving money during the warm months can be a struggle. You can get yourself up to speed with an air conditioning guide on the best practices. 

Additionally, a programmable or smart thermostat makes your home more comfortable. You can be precise about your temperatures while you’re at home, at work, or on vacation. The last thing you want to do is pour tons of money into your air conditioning while you’re not even in the building. 

2. Hang Drapes or Install Curtains Over Your Windows

During the summer, about 76 percent of the sunlight that comes through your windows turns into heat. Don’t underestimate the powerful protection of a simple window covering. Whether you install blinds or black-out curtains, blocking the sunlight can drastically lower your waste of energy. Plus, you want to protect your home and furnishings from the harsh sunlight that streams inside. 

3. Be Careful About Your Water Usage

When temperatures rise outside, water use often does, too. You’re watering your lawn frequently, taking more showers, and filling pools. Be conscious of how much of this water you’re actually wasting. 

Now is the perfect time to compare your current amount of water usage to your usage during the winter. If you notice that your water bill is skyrocketing, it may be due to a leak, waste, wind, evaporation, or runoff from over-watering. 

4. Begin Recycling, Even if Your Neighborhood Doesn’t 

Think about all of the plastic you use during the summer – those plates at your cookouts, the frozen drinks that come in convenient one-use bottles, all of the empty sunscreen bottles littering your backyard. These are just some of the things you could be recycling in an effort to make your home more eco-friendly. Although many apartment complexes and neighborhoods don’t offer a recycling service, you can always start one yourself. 

To learn how to start a recycling program, check out this article from HomeGuides

5. Install Lights That Automatically Turn Off 

Did you know that the IDA estimates that we waste at least 30 percent of our outdoor lighting? There’s no need to leave your porch light on all night, even when you’re out late during the summer. Instead, install an automatic light that turns on whenever you approach. 

Automatic lights are a great idea for your indoor rooms, too. By only using lights when you’re actually home, and automatically turning them off when you leave the room, you’ll help prevent the overproduction of carbon dioxide. Plus, you’ll save more on your electricity bill. No more worries about leaving the lights off when you go to work or leave for a summer getaway

In Conclusion 

These five steps might not seem like big acts, but every little bit counts when it comes to making our homes eco-friendly. Whether you live in an apartment or a house, you can use these tips to save money and protect nature.

Even though summer is here, it’s not too late! Start implementing these changes now to reap the benefits during the rest of the season.

How To Keep Your Home Show Ready 24 7

(Published on - 5/28/2019 2:59:36 PM)



To maximize your sale price, you need to make sure your house is available to buyers. Even when they want to visit at an inconvenient time with little notice.

Keeping your home show-ready around the clock can be stressful, but we have a few easy tips and tricks to make sure your house always shows its best (even on short notice).


Take care of the Deep Clean before the house hits the market

Before officially listing your house for sale, invest in a deep clean. Taking the time to thoroughly scrub the house before it hits the market will make it much easier to maintain day-to-day throughout the listing period.

And this deep clean goes beyond cleaning. Yes, you want every visible surface to shine, but there are a few more steps to take at this stage to make the house truly show-ready.  

Like decluttering and depersonalizing. Removing all the clutter helps the house to appear larger and more inviting. And removing personal items like family photos and unique collections will help potential buyers to feel more at home in the space. And the more at home they feel, the more likely they are to make an offer!

Squeeze in a quick straightening every morning

To maintain the show-readiness of your house, you just need to spend a little time straightening up each morning.

Stylish storage bins are the perfect tool to make this process quick and painless. Daily life clutter like toiletries, mail, and kids’ toys can be tossed in a bin and instantly hidden from sight.

After that, just run through the house quickly to make sure that:  

  1. Dishes and laundry are put away
  2. The beds are made
  3. Curtains and blinds are open to let in the light
  4. The house smells fresh
  5. Everything is generally in its place

Plan to be away from the house during showings

Buyers generally aren’t able to feel at home when the sellers are present. Give your potential buyers the freedom to relax in the house and imagine themselves living there by staying away from the house during showings.

This includes pets. Many people are afraid of animals. And many others have pet allergies. Even if your potential buyers love animals, your pets may actually hurt your prospects by distracting the buyers when they should be focusing on the house.

Create a plan to get everyone out of the house with little notice. Make a little “go bag” with everything you‘ll need to keep yourself, your kids and your pets away from home for a bit. Maybe do some shopping or enjoy some time at the park while the house is being shown.  

If you work away from home, you might want to make workday arrangements for kids and pets. Perhaps they could stay with family or go to daycare so you won’t have to leave work to round them up if there’s a short-notice showing.

Keeping your house show-ready 24/7 may require a little extra time and effort. But these tips will minimize the inconvenience and maximize selling potential. Plus any hassle will be worth it when your house fetches top dollar because it shows well!



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Regional Branch Manager

Nicole Monahan

Disclaimer: Each office independently owned and operated. Please disregard this message if you are already under contract with another real estate professional.