Elsa Leon-Garcia

Elsa Leon-Garcia

REALTOR® / Hablo Español

Realty Executives of San Antonio

13333 Blanco Road , Suite 210

San Antonio , TX 78216-2138

Direct Phone: (210) 374-0488

Mobile Phone: (210) 374-0488

Languages Spoken: English, Spanish

Elsa Leon-Garcia - Biography

I was born in Guadalajara MX. I migrated to the US in 1988, and lived in Southern California for 17 years.

I really enjoy helping people, and that is why I have spent more than 35 years volunteering in the communities where I have lived. I raised 2 beautiful children who are now raising families of their own. It was my greatest joy to be able to assist both of them in becoming homeowners.

What drives my passion in my Real Estate career is my desire to help others achieve their dreams of owning a home to call their own. I show a personal interest in each one of my clients, and I am committed to getting you the best contract possible, whether you are selling or buying. I will always fight for your best interests and advise you honestly on your options. I look forward to helping you find your future "Home Sweet Home" !


Areas Served

I have helped buyers purchase their homes all around San Antonio.

I am familiar with and have worked in all the different markets the City has to offer. I have even been able to help families find their own vacation home in the Horseshoe Bay / LBJ Lake area.

I can help you if you are a first time buyer, an investor, or want to get a vacation home. I can also be of assistance if you are an empty nester looking to downsize, or if you have a growing family and need more space.

Just let me know what your needs are and I will do all the research and legwork needed to get you into the home you and your family deserve.


I have a lot of experience with different types of both buyers and sellers. I have even had the pleasure of working with sellers who were living out of State!

I have a great team that provides me with the tools and resources I need to give my clients the best service possible!

Please allow me the privilege of assisting you in buying or selling your home!

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