Greta May

Greta May

Affiliate Broker

Realty Executives Associates Farragut

10255 Kingston Pike

Knoxville , TN 37922

Direct Phone: 865-661-4481

Mobile Phone: 865-661-4481

DRE: 351998

Languages Spoken: English

Greta May - Biography

Greta brings her strong financial services background to the table with Real Estate clients. While in school earning a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, emphasis in Management Information Systems, Greta worked full time at a local community bank, and was able to rise in 4 short years to the position of Banking Officer in charge of IT. After the move to Tennessee, Greta worked for a small mortgage company and generated over $1 million in volume in her first 6 months. She continued rounding out her financial services background with Life and Health Insurance Sales, as well as working with a Financial Planner. Greta has been able to translate her work ethic to Real Estate, generating $1.6 million in Sales in her first 6 months as a Buyer's Agent. The key to her success is listening to what the buyer wants. Her relentless effort on behalf of her buyers to find the house they fall in love with translates to very happy clients. We hope you will be one of them!

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