Category Archives: Home Buyers

Questions to Ask When Buying a Home With Someone

Buying a home can be a fantastic investment, but it also comes with its fair share of responsibilities, obligations, and financial strains, especially if you’re considering purchasing a home with someone else. While it’s very common for married couples to purchase homes jointly, it’s also not uncommon for people to purchase homes with those they aren’t married to, though this does have pros and cons. Here are some helpful questions to ask yourself when considering buying a home with a significant other, friend, or relative. 

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EXEC Travel: Moving to the Great Lakes

The Great Lakes are a great place to visit and an even better place to live. From affordable housing to outdoor activities and excellent school districts, the Great Lakes region of the U.S. offers so much that there is no reason not to consider these states when looking to purchase a home. Here’s what makes the Great Lakes so special (and why you should move there, too).

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How to Help Your Kids with Back-to-School Season After a Move

Moving can be stressful for all members of the family, but especially your kids. No matter the age, kids can have a difficult time adjusting to a move, especially once back-to-school season rolls around. Since summer is the most popular time of year to move, starting a new school after moving can be challenging, so here are a few tips for helping your kids feel less alone when starting a new school this fall.

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Adding a Pool: Is It Worth the Investment?

Having a pool in your home’s backyard is a dream that so many homeowners share, but only a few end up actually achieving it. While it can seem like a luxury, a pool can actually be a lot of work and ends up costing a lot upfront and over time. There are many pros and cons to adding a pool, and ultimately it’s a big financial decision. Here are a few questions to ask yourself when deciding whether adding a pool to your home is worth the investment.

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Prepare for Your Move by Packing Like a Pro

A huge part of knowing how to prepare for a move is knowing how to pack. What do you do with all those necklaces? How do you keep those electric cables organized? Here are our best tips and hacks to prepare you for packing like a pro.

Purchase the right packing supplies

Moving is expensive enough without wasting money on supplies you don’t need. For example, you’re going to want the right kind of boxes to fit your personal items. Have a lot of books but very few hanging clothes? Buying the appropriate shape and size of boxes can make all the difference when packing up your home.

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The Ultimate Moving Checklist: Post-Move

You’ve finally got all of your belongings into your new home, but don’t lose steam now! You’re in the final stretch of your new home checklist and there’s just a couple more essentials to get through. It’s a good idea to set a daily (or weekly) goal for yourself when it comes to these final steps. Be realistic, stick to your schedule, and you’ll be settled in before you know it.

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Moving in the Summer: How to Get Through the Heat

Moving is never the most fun task in the world, and moving in the summer is no joke. But with school out, more flexible vacation time, and less extreme weather conditions, moving in the summer is often the best option. With the heat and humidity that southern summers bring, there are some things you should keep in mind when making your summertime move. Here are some of our best tips for moving in the summer and surviving the southern heat.

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Dispelling Five Common Myths Among Renters

Fallacies about the buying process keep many renters from exploring the possibility of buying a home, but savvy real estate agents know a little education can go a long way in turning many of these would-be renters into lifelong homeowners. Many renters consider home ownership out of reach, have concerns about economic uncertainty and fear of a housing downturn as reasons to sit on the sidelines, with many preferring to watch the market before making a move to buy.

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What Retirees Should Consider When Buying a Vacation Home

Owning a vacation property can enhance your life and give you the chance to retire to a location you enjoy. But it’s not something to be done without plenty of preparation and a full understanding of the benefits and disadvantages of dual property ownership. If you’re a senior, you must be especially diligent in selecting your second home.

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Are You Ready for Your First Investment Property?

Real estate investments provide the perfect vehicle for increasing your monthly cash flow, growing your net worth, and achieving financial independence.

But investing in a property is a big decision. Before you make the leap to real estate investor, you need to make sure you’re ready to handle everything that comes with that title.

Here are three questions to ask yourself to help you decide if you’re ready for your first investment property. How many of these can you say yes! to?

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