Category Archives: Landscaping & Outdoor Design

Installing and Maintaining a Home Irrigation System

A drip system in a garden bed- an example of a home irrigation system.

When summer arrives, our gardens and lawns become our pride and joy, vibrant spaces where we can relax, entertain, and enjoy the beauty of nature. But keeping these green spaces lush and healthy during the hot months can be challenging. That is where an irrigation system comes into play. An efficient irrigation system conserves water and saves time and effort. Here is a brief guide to help you install and maintain a home irrigation system.

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Heat-Resistant Plants for a Thriving Summer Garden

A woman watering her summer garden.

Gardening during the summer has its challenges, especially when everything seems to wilt under the blazing sun. But there are some plants that positively thrive in elevated temperatures and choosing these varieties will ensure your garden remains vibrant throughout the season. The wonderful thing about many of these hardy species is their good looks as well as their robustness. They can cope with scorching days and produce beautiful blooms no matter how hot it gets. So, if you want an outdoor space which looks just as good when the mercury hits 32°C as it does at a more temperate 20°C, why not give some of the following a try?

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Seasonal Splendor: Adapting Your Outdoor Aesthetics to Embrace Every Time of Year

A pair of front doors with seasonal decor.

As the seasons change, it is fun to update your outdoor space. There is so much you can do with your landscaping to match the four seasons! Here are a few ideas to keep your style fresh and your curb appeal high all year.

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Eco-Friendly Upgrades: Enhancing Property Value with Sustainable Landscaping

Small river rocks with a few native plants, an example of sustainable landscaping.

The rising concerns over climate change and a sustainable future have boosted the demand for eco-friendly properties. Living spaces with eco-friendly features do more than just reduce the carbon footprint. Such properties benefit the owners in several ways such as cost savings, health improvement, and a significant rise in property value. Healthy landscaping can speed up the sale of a property by as much as 6 weeks and add up to 14 percent to its resale value.

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