Category Archives: Real Estate News

Security Deposit Disputes in California: When and How to Use Small Claims Court

A rent and security deposit document with a pen.

Security deposits – a tenant’s last line of defense against unexpected cleaning fees and a landlord’s safety net for surprise damages. Ideally, when a lease ends, the deposit is returned in full – or, at the least, with reasonable deductions. Unfortunately, the reality is not always such a happy ending.

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Remembering Vance Burkey

Vance Burkey of Realty Executives Associates.

Realty Executives and the East TN real estate community mourns the loss of Vance Burkey, a well-known leader and the founder of Realty Executives Associates. Burkey passed away in December of 2024 at the age of 89. Born in 1934, Vance dedicated his life to transforming the real estate industry through strong leadership, mentorship, and an unwavering commitment to the success of his agents.

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Why Student Housing Is a Solid Investment Opportunity

By: Edrian Blasquino

A colorful exterior of a student housing building.

Student housing is one of the most resilient and rewarding real estate investment opportunities available today. With the increasing number of students pursuing higher education globally, the demand for quality accommodations continues to rise. If you have been searching for a way to diversify your portfolio while contributing to societal growth, this could be the perfect avenue for you.

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The Art of Lifestyle Photography in Luxury Real Estate: Telling a Home’s Story

A luxury automobile in front of a large home- an example of lifestyle photography in luxury real estate.

Lifestyle photography is, by nature, aspirational. It shows people the kind of life they could aspire to live if only they reach out and grab it.

When it comes to luxury real estate, that aspirational factor is essential for building a narrative compelling enough for people to act. With its unique focus on ambiance, aesthetics, and experiential potential, lifestyle photography plays a powerful role in selling luxury properties.

With the right lifestyle photography strategy, you can craft an emotionally compelling visual narrative that highlights what life in luxury real estate can look like.

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Utilizing Analytics to Power Your Real Estate Marketing Strategy

By: Edrian Blasquino

Utilizing analytics in a market can help with sales and marketing strategies.

Personal relationships have long been the secret sauce to real estate success: connections lead to new leads, referrals, and repeat business. It is a loop that can, in theory, keep your business growing indefinitely.

In today’s digital age, where technology and social media dominate, the dynamics of building and nurturing relationships—which stand at the core of any effective real estate marketing plan—have evolved significantly. We are not merely contending with an overwhelming influx of data and information, but also witnessing a transformation in the modes of interaction and communication. For real estate professionals, attempting to manage everything single-handedly is a direct route to exhaustion.

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Transforming Real Estate Marketing with Interactive Listings

A realtor and clients exploring interactive listings using a VR headset.

Just as buyers in other industries crave more immersive brand experiences that resonate with their values and aspirations, today’s home buyers are looking for more than just a list of property specifications. In a sea of cookie-cutter houses and generic real estate listings, buyers want to feel a connection with the place they will call home.

This is where interactive listings shine. Originating as a necessity during the COVID-19 pandemic, interactive listings have morphed into a core feature of real estate marketing.

Let us take a closer look at why this is the case.

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Seeing is Believing: Enhancing Real Estate with VR & AR Technology

A person holding a tablet that is using VR to record a home tour.

The way we experience products pre-purchase is changing, and we have two types of technology to thank for that: VR and AR.

When potential buyers browse listings online, high-quality photos and videos are among the first things they look for. Not only do these visuals provide an excellent overview of what a property looks like and what it has to offer, but they also offer an element of convenience as they either encourage or discourage an in-person viewing. However, with advancing technology, real estate agents can now offer an online viewing experience that transcends mere two-dimensional browsing.

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Realty Executives Phoenix Partners with Bubble

Realty Executives Phoenix Streamlines Insurance Shopping & Purchase with Bubble’s Turnkey Data/AI-Guided Insurtech Platform

Realty Executives Phoenix is excited to collaborate with Bubble Insurance to simplify the process of securing the right-fit home, auto, and life insurance for its customers. Through Bubble’s advanced, AI-driven guidance systems, prospective homeowners can easily shop, customize, and purchase right-fit coverage in a seamless, data-driven process from top-rated insurance companies, all at the most competitive rates.

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Data-Driven Insights in Real Estate Analytics: The 5 Key Drivers

A person using data generated from real estate analytics programs.

The commercial real estate investment management industry in USA and Canada is more dynamic than ever, and the provision and accessibility of data plays an instrumental part in its success, accelerating efficiency and profit. 

Data has always been important. Real estate companies have always relied on the collection and analysis of data for pertinent decision-making, but up to date real estate analytics software and deal management software allow investors to make decisions faster and more assuredly – in minutes, instead of hours or days, as it may have done in the past. Here are 5 key drivers of data-driven insights:

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Real Estate Scams Trending in the Digital Sphere

A person looking at a fake property listing online, one of the trending real estate scams.

Real estate scams cost buyers, renters, and landlords billions of dollars annually. The transition to digital real estate solutions and a rampant housing market resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic has seen them increase more than ever before.

You should be mindful of these four real estate scams currently trending in the digital sphere, from wire fraud schemes to phony home and apartment listings.

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