Sharing your home with a furry companion is an enriching experience. Pets bring joy, laughter, and unconditional love into our lives. However, creating a comfortable and functional space for you and your pet requires thoughtful planning and consideration. Whether you are a seasoned pet owner or a new paw-rent, this guide will help you transform your house into a welcoming home for pets.
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A Dog Owner’s Guide to House Hunting
Searching for the perfect home can be a stressful process. So many things need to align for it to be successful- it needs to be the right time, you need to be in a good financial situation, and then there are all the home showings to schedule! But what happens when you add one more thing to the mix, specifically a dog? Looking for a home just for people is one thing but looking for a home suitable for pets is different. Dogs have their own needs, and you must ensure your new home can fulfill them.
If you are a first-time home buyer and don’t have any prior experience with this, it can be a little confusing. So, we created a short dog owner’s guide to house hunting to give you a better idea of what to do.
Continue readingThe Ultimate Guide to Keeping Fish in Kids’ Rooms or Small Spaces

Fish are often held up as the perfect pet for those trapped in tiny apartments or for those desperate for a pet of their own in a crowded household. Small tanks can be an excellent way to keep an animal companion while also not taking up more than a few square feet of space on a desk or a dresser. However, fish are still living creatures, and there are a few steps, tips, and tricks to keep in mind before diving headfirst into setting up an aquarium in your apartment or child’s bedroom.
Continue readingPet safety: Summer fun with your furry friends

As the days get longer and the weather warmer, it’s easy to get excited about all the fun activities to explore throughout the summer months! With many restrictions lifted, there are more and more opportunities to get out compared to last year. As we are sure is true for many of you, spending time outdoors or on the road with your furry best friend sounds incredible. So, as you ditch your jeans for shorts and coats for swimsuits, here are ways to enjoy the season and keep your pets safe in the summer.
Continue readingFive Reasons to Have Backyard Chickens

Keeping backyard chickens has become increasingly popular, and for good reason! While chickens do take a lot of work, they also have quite a lot to offer to anyone who is ready to take on the challenge. Here are five of the top reasons why you should consider keeping backyard chickens.
They Provide Produce.
Raising your own chickens means you have your own supply of eggs, poultry, or both! While commercial manufacturers are typically reliable, raising your own flock means that you know exactly where your food is coming from, and you know how the flock was handled and cared for. Whether you raise chickens for eggs, poultry, or dual-purpose will depend on the breed. Here are some recommendations:
- For eggs, consider the Easter Egger, Golden Comet, or Orpington! They are all quiet docile, and are well sought-after.
- For dual-purpose, consider the Rhode Island Red or the Wyandotte! Both are recommended for beginners.