So, you have little one on the way? This is always such an exciting time filled with a lot to do from baby showers to getting the house and family ready for a new member.
Sometimes among all of the busy schedules and preparations for a new baby, designing a nursery suddenly seems overwhelming. Not only do you have to buy furniture, such as a changing station, dresser and maybe a new crib, but you have to buy diapers, clothes, bed sheets and decor.
However, if you plan on giving the nursery a theme, it’s important to decide on your theme before buying anything for the nursery. If you know the theme you want in advance, it’s easier to design the nursery, because you’ll already know exactly what you’re looking for when it comes to furniture, color schemes, bed sheets, blankets and more.
To get you started on your nursery, here are five ideas to consider when deciding on a theme for your new baby’s beautiful room.
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