Your curb may be close to the drain, but don’t be confused: Putting money into curb appeal is in no way throwing money down the drain. Homes with better landscaping sell for a higher price — and few people would ignore the kind of value it can add to your home. Depending on where you are and how much landscaping you do, you could be talking about tens of thousands of dollars. Here are a few landscaping trends that increase the value of your home.
The low-maintenance, low-water and eco-friendly yard is not a myth. While a thick, green lawn is always appealing, you can always mix things up with xeriscaping elements or native plants to bring out the best in your yard. Sustainability has become a keyword in the landscaping industry. Clients want to see yards that add to the natural biodiversity of their neighborhoods. Another benefit? A yard that’s easy to keep up is a good selling point for potential buyers.
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