A vacation rental can be a great way to bring
in money with minimal effort. Whether you’re looking for a side hustle or
preparing passive income streams for retirement, you want to plan carefully
when setting up this business model. Advanced planning will pave the path to
success. These resources can help you get started on the right foot.
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As vaccines continue to roll out and a light appears at the end of the pandemic tunnel, many people are giving themselves permission to imagine their post COVID-19 lives. For some, this means planning wonderful vacations and time away. For others, it’s looking for a new spot to call home, even if only for a few weekends a year. Regardless, there’s nothing stopping you from enjoying the getaways you have been dreaming about!
There are few better ways to ensure vacations are accessible on your terms than buying a vacation home. Here’s a look at what you need to know to find the perfect property.
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Owning a vacation property can enhance your life and give you the chance to retire to a location you enjoy. But it’s not something to be done without plenty of preparation and a full understanding of the benefits and disadvantages of dual property ownership. If you’re a senior, you must be especially diligent in selecting your second home.
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Does owning a vacation home make sense in today’s market? Or is this a practice of a bygone era?
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