Realty Executives Arizona Territory

Amos Koren

Professional Real Estate Sales Agent (520) 904-4509

Amos Koren

Professional Real Estate Sales Agent

Realty Executives Arizona Territory

Southern Arizona Living


Southern Arizona Living from a gal who has lived here since 1979!!




I have lived here since I was 2 years old after my dad moved us from Washington, D.C. so he could get his PhD at the University of Arizona.  I remember my mom telling us that she told my dad, "You are moving us to the wild wild west?" Well, here we all still are over 40 years later and boy oh boy has this place changed!  Tucson is a "big city" now and yet it seems like everyone still knows everyone (Or as we locals like to say, "A one horse town"). Sure it's hot in the summer, but almost every place has air conditioning.  I actually grew up with an evaporative cooler, which worked pretty well in our dry climate; but most people have good old fashinoned air conditioning these days. 


Southern Arizona is more than just a "hot summer".  Quite possibly, it might be one of the most beautiful and unique places in the US! You want stunning mountain ranges in every direction you look?  It's here.  You want jaw dropping sunsets almost every single evening? Yep, we got that!  How about unique cacti, vegetation and wildlife?  Can you say saguaro? (well actually that one is hard to say-you pronounce it "suh·waa·row") How about hiking, biking and walking trails? Well, that is actually a particular thing Southern AZ is known for.  And golf?  I mean, my husband Amos could tell you everything you need to know about every course in Southern AZ. Plus how about a round of golf for less than $12?  Summer rates are crazy awesome deals!!  Oh yes, and the cherry on top...our winter season!  I mean, we Tucsonans wear flip flops year round and no one owns a parka (did I even spell that correctly?)



I hope you will love Southern Arizona as much as I really "sticks" with you, just like some of the cactus we have around here. Check out our website to see the prices of homes and to get more info about the "HOT" real estate market.

All the best!

Kelly Koren


Amos or Kelly would love to tell you more.  Call us anytime for more info. 520-904-4509

Amos & Kelly Koren



Check out this list of all Southern AZ has to offer:

 Living in Southern Arizona - credit © 2012-2021 TucsonTopia



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Professional Real Estate Sales Agent

Amos Koren

Disclaimer: Each office independently owned and operated. Please disregard this message if you are already under contract with another real estate professional.