Realty Executives Platinum

Rochelle Curtis

CalBRE# 01319138 (661) 803-5291

Rochelle Curtis


Realty Executives Platinum

Rochelle Curtis
Realty Executives Platinum

Rochelle Curtis

Direct Phone: (661) 803-5291
Mobile Phone: (661) 803-5291
Languages Spoken: English

Rochelle Curtis - Biography

Licensed as a full-time real estate agent since 2001.  Real estate is my only job, so nothing stands in the way of my ability to give clients the attention they expect and deserve.
I have worked successfully with Buyers, Seller and Investors.
My portfolio of transactions includes REOs, short sales and standard sales.
My niche is single family residential homes. However, if you have land, apartments or commercial property that you need assiatance with, there is a rich assortment of referrals at my fingertips.
Education and training are important to my life and career.  If I don't already know how to handle your situation you can rest assured that I'll make finding out a priority.
My clients become my friends - you're not just a transaction to me!

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Rochelle Curtis

Disclaimer: Each office independently owned and operated. Please disregard this message if you are already under contract with another real estate professional.