New year, better sleep! Prioritizing a better night’s sleep is a common resolution, but it can be difficult to put into practice…especially if you’re used to getting minimal sleep all the time. So we’ve gathered our best tips for adapting your home and bedroom environment for a better night’s sleep.
If you can’t wake up with the sun, get a sunrise alarm clock
Wouldn’t it be nice to avoid alarm clocks altogether and wake up with the sun every morning? While that might not be possible for everyone, a sunrise alarm clock is the next best thing. You can purchase an alarm clock like this one, which simulates sun and gradually gets brighter and brighter as the time nears your ideal wakeup time. So say goodbye to annoying, loud alarms and hello to waking up with the (simulated) sunshine!
Remove electronics from your bedroom
Another way to adapt your home for a better night’s sleep it to remove electronics from your bedroom. If possible, refrain from keeping a television or desktop computer in your bedroom, and avoid using your laptop, tablet, and even your cell phone in bed. Your bedroom should be your sanctuary, a place where you can sleep peacefully without the distractions that work or entertainment can bring. So by eliminating electronics, you can associate your bedroom with sleep and reduce the temptation of answering a few work emails or binge watching a new show before bed.
Clean out clutter
What’s more distracting than a messy room? If your bedroom is supposed to promote peaceful sleep, then you can start working toward that by decluttering all the mess. Remove unnecessary furniture, keep all table surfaces clean, and remove anything that you don’t use in your bedroom. Also, keeping decor minimal will be less distracting as you transition into sleep mode.
Paint your room a calming color
We recommend looking into painting your room a calming color, or incorporating calm and serene colors into your bedroom space. Studies show that shades of blue, yellow, and green promote peace and restfulness — and longer sleep at night! On the other hand, those who sleep in bedrooms painted shades of gray, brown, and purple sleep less during the night, on average.
Invest in a comfortable bed
Finally, if you want a good night’s rest, we recommend investing in a comfortable bed. Whether that means choosing a mattress that is the most comfortable for you, finding pillows that support your head and neck, or choosing sheets and bedding that feel as cozy as possible, your bed should be as comfortable as you want it to be. The cozier your bed feels, the more likely you will be able to fall asleep faster every night.