These are rare times, when you’re forced to work from home and no commute! How could you spend your time? You could read Hemingway, tend that garden or binge-watch Netflix.
Or, you could use the time to polish your sales and tech skills, set up a lead nurture campaign or record a video email. Maybe find a new perspective on your business approach.
If you can’t show or sell houses right now, why not use the time wisely in other ways? Here are eight ideas.
1. Sync your CRM
Tag your As, Bs and Cs and note their sources of lead origination. By integrating your CRM with your transaction management system, you can leverage synced contacts to reach out to past and future clients in new, personal ways while better tracking your ROI.
2. Work on Lead Gen
Now’s the time to segment that database and draft specific messaging for contacts in different phases of the lead funnel. Try customized video emails to send prospects video walkthroughs or check in with past customers who may be contemplating listing.
3. Get CE Credits & Tech Training
If that license is coming up for renewal, use this time to get CE credits online. Dotloop, for instance, has partnered with McKissock Learning to offer online CE credits in a growing number of states across the U.S. In addition:
Weekly Webinars: Agents, admins and teams can also sign up for free, weekly basic and advanced webinar trainings. Recently, dotloop added a second advanced course through the end of May.
Customized Webinars: Anyone interested in a customized webinar for individuals, teams or brokerage can visit our training consulting page.
Certified Training: This comprehensive online Certified Looper course will help you streamline transactions by mastering basic and advanced skills.
4. Start a Nurture Campaign
Keep the lines of communication open with a regular cadence of new email content, offering support, advice and insight. Maybe send a video email, then call a variety of people everyday as followup to make a human connection. Dotloop integration partner BombBomb lets you sync contacts from your loops (transactions) into BombBomb to connect easily with clients using face-to-face pre-recorded video and then track and measure results. This can be especially helpful for team leads who want to take advantage of the app’s team inbox stats dashboard.
5. Give Back
A crisis like coronavirus helps the community come together. Real estate agents are in a unique position to organize and lead by example as ambassadors to the community. To reach the most vulnerable, you might organize a network of volunteers to run basic errands for the elderly or feed first responders. Leverage your network to reach a wider audience with no sales talk, just goodwill.
6. Host a Webinar
Teach homeowners how to get their homes list-ready so they’ll be first to market when the shelter in place orders lifts. You can guide them on how to record their own video tour, line up contractors, improve their curb appeal or offer tips to prep the interior of their home for future showings.
7. Offer a Fun Break
Cincinnati agent Amy Broghamer attracted a great deal of attention for her “Dinner on Amy” Facebook campaign, an effort to benefit local restaurants while rewarding five lucky winners for taking selfies and posting them on her page. Campaigns like these offer a fun break from the stress and help further an agent’s reputation long into the future.
8. Check In
A well-placed line of communication can go far in reaching past and future clients in powerful ways. Simply check in and let contacts know you’re here for them. Maybe offer tips to keep the kids busy or creative ways to make their home a more comfortable place to live. Staying connected not only helps business in the long run but will also help everyone keep their mental health in check as we ride out the storm together.
originally published by Dotloop.com.