Your garage can seem like a catch-all for your things that don’t quite fit right inside the home. Seasonal decor, outdoor furniture and all types of storage containers can fill up the garage space fast. In order to make the most of your garage and to not be tripping over containers every time you go out to look for something, it’s important to have a system. Here are some tips to help you get your garage looking neat and organized.
Out With the Old
Just like when you are trying to declutter or organize your interior, you need to go through your belongings to see what you want to keep and what you can get rid of. For example, you may have kept tubs of old baby clothes or toys because they are sentimental, but they take up a lot of room and often don’t get used or looked at. Try picking out a few things and then donating the rest to a good cause.
Once you have a keep, sell and donate pile, go ahead and start putting your keep pile into different categories such as: gardening, seasonal decor, memorabilia, sports, etc. This will make the next few steps much easier going forward.
Create the System
We have all heard “everything has its place” and that goes for your storage and garage items as well. Once you have your items sorted into specific groups, the next step is decide how you want to store each group. If it’s something you use on a regular basis, it wouldn’t make much sense to have it tucked down into a tote. Have your daily use or semi-daily items near the door and accessible. For items you rarely use, go to your local retail store and buy some clear, stackable containers. Being able to see what’s in them without opening will save you time and won’t cause you to make a mess when looking for something. Stackable totes or smaller containers also can be lined up against the walls, saving floor space.
Storage Options
We’ve mentioned clear containers as a great option for garage storage but maybe you are looking for something else that won’t take up as much room. Some options other homeowners have used include:
Open Shelving: Shelves are affordable and relatively easy to install, making them a home favorite. Open shelves allow for everything to be seen and grabbed easily.
Pegboard: Another inexpensive and multi-use choice is pegboard. You can use this to hang all types of everyday items or tools, as long as they aren’t too heavy.
Up and Above
If you look up in your garage, there is a good chance you will see lots of potential for ceiling storage. Your house may include an attic space that you can use for rarely opened containers or larger pieces that take up a lot of floor space, such as ladders or seasonal gear. Are you handy around the house? You can install hooks and straps to the ceiling to hang gear if you don’t have the attic space! Just make sure you watch out for the garage door and don’t prevent it from opening or closing with the above storage.
As you begin organizing your garage, keep safety and efficiency in mind. Going through these tips will help you stay on track and find a space for each “group” of belongings, making it easier and safer for the whole family to enjoy the space.