Realty Executives Home Towne of Port Huron, Michigan, is pleased to announce that Lisa Glombowski has been honored as the Eastern Thumb Association of Realtors® 2021 Realtor of the Year. This award recognizes the behaviors and attributes that make a real estate professional shine: service to the community and the association, ethical behavior, commitment to bettering the profession, and participation in civic and charitable opportunities. Nominees for the award were submitted by peers in the association. The final selection was made by an anonymous vote by the Board of Directors.
Looking back, Glombowski says she carried an unexplainable attraction to real estate for years before deciding to make a career switch. Despite having multiple people try to dissuade her, she obtained her license in 2013. “I was working at an orthodontist office, my kids were off to college, and I felt that I finally had the time to commit to starting my own business,” she said. “What was the worst that could happen? No matter what, I was going to gain knowledge.”
Glombowski ended up being the first hire for Home Towne’s Broker/Owner, Frank Locricchio. “I hired Lisa before I even owned the company- I was that confident in her ability to succeed in the real estate business. Her personality is an asset. She is down-to-Earth, cool, calm, and collected. Nothing frazzles her. She learns what is important to her clients, does what is right, and makes transactions easy for agents working the other side,” said Locricchio.
By the end of her first year, business began to take off. Referral after referral poured in from friends, family, and clients. By year three, Glombowski turned to full-time real estate work. Since that time, she has evolved into a top producer with Realty Executives Home Towne. Additionally, she has taken on the role of Associate Broker for the Port Huron office location, supporting roughly 35 agents. Glombowski is passionate about helping new agents start their businesses, enjoys planning office activities, and appreciates the increased interactions with her brokerage peers. “I have met so many wonderful people as a result of my various roles in real estate,” says Glombowski. “Clients have become friends, and the agents I work with, regardless of brokerage, have become my friends, too.”
Glombowski remains heavily involved with the Eastern Thumb Association of Realtors®. A member of the Board of Directors for two years, she participates in the Social Committee, Scholarship Committee, and most recently, the Golf Committee. She will receive her Realtor of the Year plaque at the upcoming Michigan Realtors® convention September 28-30. During the convention, a state-wide Realtor of the Year will be selected.
“We are incredibly proud of Lisa and are excited to see her honored as Realtor of the Year for 2021,” said Patrick van den Bossche, President of Realty Executives International. “We are grateful for her leadership and the quality service she provides to her clients. Lisa personifies what it means to be an Executive: a highly professional, productive realtor who is passionate about real estate. Kudos to you, Lisa!”
To learn more about Realty Executives Home Towne or to connect with Lisa Glombowski, visit REHomeTowne.com.

Realty Executives International and Realty Executives Home Towne would also like to recognize and congratulate Rhonda Bessette, one of the final nominees for the Eastern Thumb Association of Realtors® 2021 Realtor of the Year.