Realty Executives of Flagstaff, Flagstaff’s longest running real estate business, has helped thousands of families find a place to call home over the years. But for the company, the commitment to homeownership runs deeper than real estate transactions. The brokerage has fostered a culture of giving back and has been deeply involved with Habitat for Humanity of Northern Arizona for over 25 years.
Getting Started
The brokerage’s partnership with Habitat for Humanity of Northern Arizona began in 1998 when a client of Wayne McCormick, owner and Designated Broker of Realty Executives of Flagstaff, invited him to join the Family Partnership Committee. The following year his wife, Debra McCormick, attended a meeting in his place. This led to Debra joining the committee and later serving as the committee’s Chairman for two years. Many hours were spent side by side with the local community, hammer and paintbrush in hand, building and improving homes for local families.
After their service with the committee ended, Wayne and Debra continued to support Habitat for Humanity each year through tax credits.
Launching the Realtor’s Initiative
In 2014, Realty Executives of Flagstaff announced a new program in support of the community: The Realtor’s Initiative. The program encourages Realty Executives agents to donate a portion of their commission income from every home sale to Habitat for Humanity of Northern Arizona. Currently 29 of the firm’s Executives participate in the program, and funds are used to build affordable housing in the local community.
“As a Flagstaff local, I know the struggle that families face when it comes to housing in Flagstaff. That is why I give to Habitat for Humanity via The Realtor’s Initiative. As a community, we need to do anything we can to help families achieve the American dream, which includes homeownership and a sense of belonging to the community,” said Gary Nelson, Delegated Broker of Realty Executives of Flagstaff.
Participation in the program has grown over the years, with nearly $20,000 generated in 2022. The group has donated nearly $11,000 during 2023 and has plans for a December raffle to finish out the year’s contributions.
The Starter Home Program

In 2022, Habitat for Humanity of Northern Arizona broke ground on a new initiative called the Starter Home Program. This project involves building simple, efficient, stand-alone homes that are available for purchase by low-income families. The organization hopes to complete 50 homes by 2028, which would have a significant impact on Flagstaff’s housing inventory.
Homebuyers participating in the program purchase the Starter Home with a $1,000 down payment. The homes are financed with Habitat-funded zero percent interest loans, with the $833 monthly principal payments going to a savings account for the homeowner. When the homeowner moves out, Habitat for Humanity pays them the principal they have invested during the years occupying the home- roughly $10,000 per year. This model allows families to build equity savings that can be used when they have outgrown their Starter Home. Habitat for Humanity reserves the right to the property, so another low-income family has the opportunity to purchase the home, ensuring affordable housing remains available.

The first two homes were successfully completed by several community partners, including architects, builders, and students from Coconino Community College. The students were part of The Home Construction Pathway, a two-semester program that provides a robust home construction experience through building Starter Homes. This significantly helped drive down labor and construction costs, two factors that impact housing affordability in Flagstaff. The homes were built on land donated from the city of Flagstaff’s Land Trust Program, and 12 more homes are planned in the near future on Flagstaff Unified School District property. These homes will support teachers and staff in the area.
“At the core of Habitat for Humanity’s mission is the belief in providing a hand up rather than a handout. The Starter Homes offer individuals and families the opportunity to purchase affordable homes, setting the stage for a brighter financial future. Homeownership, as one of the highest indicators of generational wealth, initiates a ripple effect that extends far beyond the initial homeowner,” explains Kim Geile-Gonzalez, Realtor® with Realty Executives of Flagstaff. “I choose to support Habitat for Humanity both financially and as a board member because I have witnessed the transformative power of affordable homeownership and its profound impact on generational wealth.”
A Legacy of Giving

With over two decades of community support under their belts, the group at Realty Executives of Flagstaff has built a thriving culture of giving. Over the years they have contributed commission dollars, sponsored studs, decorated framing panels, raffled playhouses, and more. They continuously brave the cold to walk through homes to witness the smiles on the faces of new homeowners. They are interwoven into the community as business owners, residents, and friends. Collectively, they know that their work has just begun.
“I have been involved with Habitat for Humanity since 2008. I have painted walls, helped homeowners apply to be accepted into the program, and donated a portion of my commissions. It is incredibly rewarding to see members of our community strive for and achieve homeownership with a little help from the Flagstaff community around them,” said Tammara Prager, Realtor® with the firm. “We look forward to continuing our partnership with Habitat and with the Flagstaff community.”
About HFHNA: Habitat for Humanity of Northern Arizona is one of 13 Habitat for Humanity affiliates serving Arizona. The organization brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope with the vision of creating safe and decent housing for everyone. They believe that homeownership can permanently break the cycle of poverty and instability in communities. To learn more, visit HabitatFlagstaff.org.
About Realty Executives of Flagstaff: Realty Executives of Flagstaff is one of the longest-run, independently owned and operated brokerages in the Realty Executives network. The firm has operated since 1977 and prides itself on a “community first” mentality. Find them in the heart of downtown Flagstaff or by visiting RealtyExecutives.com/office/flagstaff.