Realty Executives Arizona Territory

Krista Brayer

Krista Brayer


Realty Executives Arizona Territory


When is the best time to buy Airline Tickets

(Published on - 11/8/2017 12:13:13 AM)

We're coming to a time of year when many of us will travel.  It may be for a Thanksgiving Holiday, a winter warm vacation spot or snow sports and skiing.   If you're like my family, we want the best holiday on our personal budget.


So when is the best time to buy Airline Tickets...... I did some searching and here's what I found:


According to Farecompare, the best day to purchase airline tickets is Tuesday at about 3pm.  Why?  Apparently many airlines release their inexpensive fares early Tuesday morning.  By the end of the day, competing airlines have adjusted their prices to be competitive.


Whether you choose to fly, drive or just stay home this holiday season, please make it a safe one.  And, when you're looking to maximize your budget on a home purchase, call Krista Brayer at Realty Executives, Tucson Elite.  520-975-5640


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Krista Brayer

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