Stephanie Heiffus
Real Estate Agent
Realty Executives of Kansas City
From my most trusted Structural Engineer:
Foundations tend to settle in the Kansas City area because of soil shrinkage movements……….
To minimize future soil movements, maintain soil moisture during dry weather by watering the soil with about one inch of water per week within the first 10 feet out from the foundation. This amounts to watering the lawn once a week. A flat green colored sprinkler hose (not a soaker hose) or oscillating sprinkler is recommended. Water when the yard soil cracks or when the soil pulls away from the foundation. Watering is usually needed during the summer, but watering may also be needed during a dry fall or occasionally during a mild dry winter. During droughts, watering may be needed 2 to 3 times a week.
Don't forget to give the birds a drink, too!