Realty Executives of Northern Arizona

Wayne McCormick

Wayne McCormick


Realty Executives of Northern Arizona


Stress of Moving

(Published on - 11/11/2015 9:01:13 PM)

Dealing with the stress of moving

Get several estimates and be wary of the one that is much lower than the rest. The low estimate may balloon later with extra charges for things, such as moving bulky items or going up and down stairs.

Ask if the person you are dealing with works for the moving company or is a moving broker. The latter arranges transportation, and that estimate may not match the moving company’s estimate. The broker also isn’t responsible for loss or damage.

Have the mover inspect the household items in person to get the most accurate estimate of the move’s cost. Show the mover everything, including items in the garage, attics and basements. Be clear about packing and other services you want, which could impact the estimate.

Ask whether the mover is using a binding or non-binding estimate. The former is an agreement made in advance and guarantees the cost of the move. The latter is not always accurate, and charges could be higher than expected. Get all estimates in writing.

Before signing contracts, understand the moving company’s liability and pickup and delivery dates. Never sign blank or incomplete documents.

Be on-site when your goods are being packed and loaded, and unloaded.

Check out the companies

Better Business Bureau

Logs complaints against businesses and helps resolve disputes. Online reports available about complaints against moving companies.

Arizona Department of Weights & Measures

Helps regulate the moving industry and investigates complaints. Online reports available about movers that have been investigated.

800-277-6675 or

American Moving and Storage Association

Trade association for the moving industry and a consumer resource. Logs complaints and helps resolve disputes. Online information available about certified moving consultants in the Valley.

703-683-7410 or or

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

Federal agency within the U.S. Department of Transportation that works to decrease moving fraud. Provides complaint information on companies and has an easy-to-use Web site for researching a company’s federal registration, safety rating, insurance status and more.

888-368-7238 or


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Wayne McCormick

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