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Matthew Ecklund
Realty Executives Cooper Spransy
Nicole Hellenbrand
Nate Meihak
Transaction Coordinator
Karisa Mihlbauer
Kenny Millman
Mackenzie Olson
Glorian Rangel
Nate Ray
John David Vasquez
Matt Winzenried
Co-Owner, Team Lead
Travis Beck
Jason Berning
Jennifer Briggs
Jennifer Clary
Joe Copeland
Lina Daegan
Real Estate Agent
Adam Davenport
Jess Doherty
Kelly Doyle
Realtor, CNE
Matt Doyle
Director of Agent Development
Kyle Ebley
Alan Feder
Ally Figiel
George Frank
Candi Gaston
Andrew Genin
Nicole Goggio
Marie Graeme
Areal Guenther
Holly Hassenzahl
Ashley Heinzen
Realtor, SRS
Mark Hewitt
Dan Huebsch
Casey Johnson
Tina Jones
Kerri Kane
Jean Knickelbine
Lindsay Koch
Krista Kuhlman
Isabella Lazzareschi
Shelley Lazzareschi
Tu Le
Alexa Lee
Jess Lex
Melissa Lichman
Paul Lyon
Logan Mallek
Lane Manning
Kevin Mathews
Justin J May