Realty Executives of Northern Arizona

Serving Northern Arizona since 1977

Realty Executives of Northern Arizona


Flagstaff Real Estate Market Update Through April 2023

(Published on - 1/31/2024 5:40:16 PM)

Did you know that major customer review sites get hundreds of millions of views each month?

It’s hardly surprising when you think about it.

After all, when most people are looking to buy something, or hire someone, they tend to trust a recommendation more than an advertisement. That’s true whether you’re shopping for a car, restaurant, dentist, or… real estate agent.

In fact, referrals from valued clients are one of the main ways we build our business.

They are something we take very seriously. We work hard to be “referral worthy” by providing excellent service and continuing support — not just during a client’s move, but in the years afterward. This e-newsletter is just one of the many ways we do that.

So, the next time you come across a neighbor or friend looking for a good real estate agent, we hope you’ll feel comfortable giving them our names.

We’d really appreciate it!

And, please allow us to return the favor. The next time you’re looking for a real estate-related professional — such as a contractor or electrician — reach out to us for a referral from our network. We’re happy to help.

Flagstaff Real Estate Market Update through April 2023

A quick recap of the Flagstaff market comparing Jan 2022 -  April 2022 vs Jan 2023 - April 2023.  This includes all residential (condos, townhomes, manufactured homes & single family homes) property located in Flagstaff:  Our median sales price through April 2023 is sitting at $599,999 and last year at this time it was $650,000.  Closed sales are down 39.1%, WOW!  Median days on market has increased from 40 in 2022 to 53 or 35.9%.  List price received is still high at 98.0% but new listings are down 16.1%.  These numbers confirm that our inventory is still quite low but things have certainly shifted.  If you have any questions about the market please feel free to reach out!


Hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!


Renee Gaun 
Your 1st Choice in Real Estate®
Your Team for Success

928-606-6232 Renee

15 E. Cherry Ave




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