Realty Executives of Northern Arizona

Serving Northern Arizona since 1977

Realty Executives of Northern Arizona


Is That A Volcano?

(Published on - 10/31/2019 4:38:25 PM)

Yes! The San Francisco Volcanic Field covers 1,800 square miles around Flagstaff, with over 600 volcanoes! The tallest of these, Humphreys Peak, looks out over the ruins of an ancient Native American pueblo in Wupatki National Monument. Around 1064 A.D., these ancient people must have been witness to the eruption of the youngest volcano, Sunset Crater. Some speculate that the eruptions are what drove the Sinugaua people out.  Almost all of the hills and mountains between Flagstaff and the Grand Canyon are extinct volcanoes.  The first of these volcanoes began to erupt 6 million years ago. U.S. Geological Survey scientists believe that there will be another eruption in Flagstaff’s future—but not for quite a while. So stay a while!

Sunset Crater Wupatki National Monument Lava Tubes

Ever been inside a volcano? Red Mountain is a 1,000 foot high volcanic cinder cone that you can walk into! It is cut out in the shape of an amphitheater and is filled with hoodoos (tall columns of eroded cinders, ash, and lava). The U.S. Geological Survey and local scientists agree Red Mountain was formed in eruptions about 740,000 years ago. It is an easy hike off of US 180, 31 miles north of Flagstaff.

One of the side effects of volcanic activity are lava tubes. These are formed by molten lava flowing through a volcanic vent and hardening over time. There are a few areas around the Flagstaff area where these occur in small pockets. However, Lava River Cave, just a few miles from downtown Flagstaff, is a lava tube cave that is open to the public.  It was formed 700,000 years ago and is approximately .75 miles long, and the longest cave of its kind in Arizona!

Want to go caving?

  • Bring 2-3 sources of light. Rock floors are a painful combination of slippery and dark!
  • Dress warmly. Average temperature within the caves is 42°.
  • Wear sturdy shoes! The floor of the cave is rocky and uneven.
  • Find directions and tips here.


About earthquakes…

Arizona has active faults that run through the state. The Northern Arizona Seismic Belt runs from Flagstaff to Utah, and comprises dozens of active faults. Scientists say that the Lake Mary Fault (just south of Flagstaff) could produce an earthquake up to a magnitude of 7. However, most quakes that occur in the area are not felt, and no damage is reported. Will the earth move for You in Flagstaff?



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