Realty Executives Oceanside

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Realty Executives Oceanside


Extreme Weather ~ Stay Safe Year Round!!

(Published on - 10/8/2018 2:50:02 PM)


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Whether or not Flagler County is in immediate danger from extreme weather, it's good idea to check on your safety preparedeness year round. The National Weather Service has laid out best practices and a social media campaign to help us stay safe year-round. Knowledge is power and Realty Executives Oceanside encourages everyone to read and share!


Hashtag Safe Place Selfie Campaign

safe place selfie


It’s a safety campaign brought on by National Weather Service & the steps are easy:


1. At work or at home...STOP and consider where your safe place is in the event of severe weather. 


2. Take a selfie of yourself to share on social media using #SafePlaceSelfie to promote the message of preparation. 


3. Encourage others by tagging them in your post asking “Where is your safe place from extreme weather?”



4. Expand the #SafePlaceSelfie conversation by surrounding yourself with your emergency kit, a NOAA Weather Radio, and a print out of your family communication plan.




Become a Ceritified Force of Nature

Be a Force of Nature by knowing your risk, taking action and being an example in your community.  Kids, teens and parents can all check out the NOAA ways to become a Young Meteorologist and get certified in becoming a force of prepared nature!!


Be a Force of Nature by letting your friends and family know what you did to become weather-ready. 



In Flagler County thunderstorms and lightning are common. My kids often complain about having to leave the beach or get out of the pool. Use the following resources to help give your kids an idea of how serious a threat lightning is and maybe they'll argue less! 

1.The second greatest cause for lightning fatalities are beach activities!


2. Fishing is the leading cause of lightning fatalities: fishermen are on piers, large rocks and sandy beaches as well in boats.


These are a number of reasons why beach activities contribute to so many fatalities:


1. The sound of thunder is hidden by the sounds of the surf and people having fun.

2. Safety, typically a car or other vehicle, may be some distance away.

3. Along the U.S. East Coast, people are generally facing to the ocean in the east but many storms come from the west.

Beach lightning

Enjoy your time at the beach but keep these recommendations in mind:


  • Keep a watchful eye to the sky IN ALL DIRECTIONS and head to a safe place immediately at any sign of an approaching or developing storm
  • Monitor the forecast and radar on a phone or other electronic media and get to a safe place, such a vehicle or large, fully enclosed building (not a picnic shelter or other opensided structure).
  • When camping on the beach, have a hard-topped metal vehicle nearby and head into it at the first sign of a thunderstorm.


Find out more about Lightning Safety                                         Teachers & Parents:


Thunder Safety


Click for extensive learning resources including:


1. Coloring Books, Slideshows, Posters & more refor

2. Slideshows & Classroom activities

3. Careers in weather & Meteorology 

4. NASA Kid Club

4. Trading Cards



HotSeat Warning Simulator

Try the new HotSeat experience to simulate extreme weather in your community:  NSSL’s HotSeat Warning Simulator is an educational tool for all ages. 






More you can do:

  1. Visit to teach kids about weather & science with Owlie Skywarn.
  2. Share that you’re prepared with the hashtag #BeAForce
  3. List your preparedness story on Facebook.
  4. Make sure you have a Family Emergency Plan.
  5. #WhenThunderRoarsGoIndoors 


Family Safety Plan



Realty Executives Oceanside wants you to have the tips, tools and knowledge to Protect yourself, your family, your pets & home!!   








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