Realty Executives Oceanside

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Realty Executives Oceanside


Habits of Highly Productive Real Estate Agents

(Published on - 1/7/2021 4:30:03 PM)

By Realty Executives International


The real estate market is affected by so many factors, and yet top, elite agents find a way to always grow and thrive in any market.


Sherri Johnson, premier real estate gives her take on how to work like the most productive agents do!


Making the difference


I remember my first manager telling me that I could make it in any market because I went out and “made it happen” and didn’t rely on one particular lead source for all my business. When you truly know how to add value and deliver five-star level service, you can create your own success. It takes grit, dedication, a business plan and a winning mindset.


Here, I share the “uncommon” characteristics of top selling real estate agents that allow them to keep growing their business regardless of outside economic factors.


These atypical but totally necessary behaviors ring true with all top, elite agents. When adopted and implemented fully, these attributes will become the “difference makers” you need to go from good to great and from wishful thinking to potentially doubling or tripling your production and income.


1. An inner drive to succeed

When you want to succeed, you will do whatever it takes to make your goals happen. First, you must know precisely what you want to accomplish. Is it an income goal or an achievement goal? Knowing what drives you will help you stay committed to the goals you set. Top real estate agents know what their inner drive to succeed is and use it to drive them every day. Know yours, share it with another person — your manager or a coach — and keep that inner drive alive. I can’t motivate a satisfied person. No one can. What motivates each of us is different, but it is that inner motivating drive to succeed that is in every top agent I know. Find it. Embrace it. Run with it.


2. Totally focused and disciplined

Successful agents maintain a laser focus on what they want to accomplish every day. How many listings, sales or calls do you need to make to hit your goals? Staying focused and avoiding distractions requires discipline, and this will help you achieve your success faster and with better clarity. Nothing will interrupt a top agent’s schedule to create new leads. Get zeroed in with your discipline and focus, and watch successful results happen almost immediately.


3. A winning mindset

Every top agent believes they are already a winner and that they can and will achieve their desired goals. Your mindset totally impacts your behavior and your daily actions. Develop the mindset that you have a listing or sale this week. You just don’t know the address yet! Create the positive, winning mindset that you are as good as the other agents in your market and that you can increase your average sale price or break into the luxury market successfully. I remember believing that I was already a $10 million producer before I was, and it gave me the self confidence and mindset to act like I had achieved my goals. Developing a winning mindset will allow you to win before you start your day and enable you to see your winning results happen just as you intended.


4. A beyond-positive attitude

I love when people say, “Are you always so positive?” And I say, “Yes, of course!” A top trait of successful agents is that they are beyond positive. They are positive about the market they sell in, positive about any offer they are negotiating, positive about any listing they are trying to sell — just always positive. Other agents love to sell homes with these agents because they are positive and keep everyone in the transaction positive too. It’s a winning trait and it works.


5. Action-based

Top agents don’t talk about what they want to do; rather, they constantly take action. They’re trying new things and making success happen for themselves. They’re not waiting for leads to come to them; they are going out and finding the opportunities. What types of action will you take to increase your business for yourself? Taking action makes opportunities happen. Top agents know this and live it!


6. Perseverance and a never-give-up attitude

There is always a way to solve an issue if you have the perseverance and attitude to exhaust all options to help put a deal together or keep one alive. Top agents have a “never, ever give up” mentality and it’s obvious. They will find a way to bring buyer and seller together for the good of both clients. This trait goes beyond the norm and really shows the dedication of adding value to clients.


7. Passion, humility and gratitude

Top agents have a humble and grateful attitude of gratitude. My belief is that this is what makes them even more amazing. They are passionate about serving.


8. Focus on listings

Top agents have always been focused on listings. Listings are the most important business activity an agent can do. All the marketing, name recognition, spin-off sales and listings, and all the credit goes to the listing agent. Top agents have mastered the art of servicing seller clients, and the payoffs are huge. Focusing on listings will make you the “name brand” and most recognized top agent in your market. Create a plan to increase your listing inventory and dominate your market with more for-sale signs with your name on them. This will create increasingly more success for your business.


Adopting these attitudes and behaviors will give you the ability to survive any market and create your own success each month. In the end, real estate is easy hard work. It’s easy if you like to proactively help people and solve their problems, but it requires a strong work ethic and commitment to work the business and make it happen.


Originally published by our partners at


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