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Energy Saving Kitchen Appliances

(Published on - 9/26/2019 3:08:31 PM)

We’re always trying to support green living, and one of the easiest ways to conserve energy is by ensuring your home appliances are energy-efficient. Energy-efficient appliances  can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, lower your utility bills, use less water and electricity, and overall lead to a cozier, happier, cleaner living space. Here’s how you can ensure that your kitchen appliances are energy-efficient and what to look out for when replacing your current appliances. 

Replacing and Recycling Your Appliances

Of course, you shouldn’t get rid of all of your kitchen appliances if they currently work completely fine. But when it comes time to replace them, here’s what you need to know. First, you should make sure you appropriately recycle your old appliances so that you retire models that aren’t energy efficient, instead of donating them and further contributing to the cycle of greenhouse gas emissions and inefficient energy consumption. You can find an appropriate local recycling site where you can drop off your old appliances (or chances are, they can pick them up for you). Check out the Environmental Protection Agency’s responsible appliance disposal guide here.

Once you’re ready to replace your appliances, make energy-efficient models a priority. They may be more of an investment upfront, but down the line you’ll see lower utility bills (and you’ll be helping the environment in the process).

Energy Star

When the time comes to replace your kitchen appliances for ones that are worth the investment, be sure to look out for the Energy Star label. Energy Star is a voluntary label program aimed at helping consumers find the most energy-efficient products that help protect the environment and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Products labeled with Energy Star meet or exceed the guidelines established by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy, but not all are created equally, so be sure to compare models that are Energy Star-approved.  




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