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The Secret to Finding Balance as a Realty Estate Agent

(Published on - 10/17/2019 5:11:08 PM)

Overworked. Stretched too thin. Struggling to balance it all.

 This was how Lindsay Herrell of Escondido, Calif., felt when she signed up for a Buffini & Company real estate coach back in 2015. As a former lawyer, Herrell was quite familiar with the effects of an unbalanced work and family life—and what happens when you let it get out of hand. 

“Real estate can be a 24/7-type business, and my personality is not very good at saying no to things,” Herrell said. “I was finding myself just putting business before family again.” 

As a mom of three children, finding that family balance was important to Herrell. That’s why right away, her real estate coach helped her prioritize boundaries. 

“She established these little systems during that first call that put really amazing boundaries in my life, so I could be very present for my family and very fulfilled by that,” Herrell said. “Then, when I was working, I could be very present in my business and for my clients.” 

During this time, Herrell was expecting her third child. The structures suggested by her coach helped her do something she had been unable to do before—take a planned maternity leave from her business. She spent time with her now-complete family without scrambling to manage her real estate business, and she even closed a few deals. 

“While I was on maternity leave, the leads were still rolling in, and I actually earned Agent of the Month at my firm because of the deals I had put together before I had my daughter,” Herrell said. 

Another huge win for Herrell with One2One Coaching™ was the introduction of her annual client party. A people person at heart, Herrell has always loved that Buffini & Company systems include several client appreciation events. She had always dreamed of hosting an Easter egg hunt and brunch for all the families in her database. Within her first year of coaching, this became a reality.

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